"gellery opening" Archives
Posted on 06 May 2011
Friday May 20th, 6pm.
A showcase of our fantastically talented and socially charming Woodworkers: Robert Bishop, David Pearson, Bill Sonntag, & John Banks.
These gentlemen make everything! We will have exotic wood pens, cherry salad bowls, poplar ‘geek-sake’ boxes (wood and recycled computer innards), wine holders, candlestick holders, teeny-tiny bowls, and even 1 bowl made out of 749 little tiny wood pieces.
Come out and meet these Artisans and see all the beautiful things that can be made out of wood, right here by the talent of Western PA!
As always we’ll be hosting the event with libations and since it’s May rhubarb squares;) or maybe strawberry rhubarb?
PS Spread the word Nerd!
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